Avalanche Rescue is a one-day stand-alone course that covers the basics of companion rescue as well as the current best practices in rescue techniques and gear. Students receive professional coaching on their rescue skills and timed practice with realistic scenarios. This course is intended for those new to the backcountry. The course should also be retaken on a regular basis to keep skills sharp and to stay up to date with advancing rescue techniques and technology.
This course is recommended for anyone completing a Rec Level 1 course and it is a mandatory prerequisite for both the Recreational Level 2 Avalanche Course and the Professional Avalanche Progression. We implement an internationally vetted curriculum and state of the art knowledge from MountainSafety.info. Silverton Avalanche School our partner and curriculum provider is one of the charter organizations of this working group of international mountain safety education groups. The course meets the guidelines set forth by the American Avalanche Association.

Program Cost: $195
Avalanche rescue kits will be provided, however numbers are limited and they will be provided on a first requested, first served basis. Check our Gear List and Resources page for other provided gear, packing lists, and rental options. You are encouraged to bring your own equipment to better acquaint yourself with your set-up.
Dates for 2023/2024
- Please contact is to arrange your custom program
If you have a group and would like to set-up a private custom program please contact us.
Program Description
Learning Outcomes
- Learn, refine and demonstrate effective companion rescue skills and tactics
There are no perquisites for this course, besides a willingness to learn, good personal fitness and some experience with your chosen method of travel.
We will meet at a predetermined location* at 9:00AM (or time otherwise agreed upon with instructor), dressed, packed and ready for a full day in the field. We will wrap at around 4:30PM.
Student Ratios
Instructor to student ratios are maximum 6:1 for a total of 12 students and 2 instructors. Courses need at least 2 students to run. If there are not enough students to run your course you will be notified 10 days in advance and will have the option to move to another course, cancel your registration, or in some situations, opt to move forward with a lower ratio program for additional compensation to be agreed upon by all parties.
Please review our Gear Lists and Resources Page for general information and the gear list below for the items specific to your course. All items are mandatory unless otherwise noted
Please review our Covid-19 policies prior to your course. We will update you with changes to these policies as your course nears and the situation evolves.