This course is for avalanche workers just starting in the field. The course, designed, curated and taught by our friends at Silverton Avalanche School, covers the fundamentals of understanding and managing avalanches in an operational setting. Students learn how to recognize and travel through avalanche terrain, and how to document snow, avalanche, and weather phenomena to the US Industry standard. Instructors provide coaching and teaching both in the field and the classroom. Upon successful completion of a written test and field test, students are awarded certification recognized by the American Avalanche Association (A3).
Please complete this application AND the form below to register for the course.
Student Requirements for Enrollment (1-3 all required):
1) Course applicants have completed the following A3-recognized courses prior to enrollment:
a) Recreational Level 1 Avalanche Training
b) Avalanche Rescue Applicants who believe they have the educational equivalent of the above-listed prerequisites can apply to the Pro Course Provider of their choice for a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) review. Course enrollment in these situations is at the discretion of the Pro Course Provider.
2) One winter season (20 days or more) of relevant experience (demonstrated through one of the following).
c) Prior avalanche work experience; OR
d) A supervised unpaid work internship in the guiding/avalanche industry supported by a letter of reference; OR
e) Letter of recommendation from AAA Professional member; OR
f) AAA Membership (Affiliate or Professional); OR
g) Winter backcountry travel experience supported by documented trip planning and recorded field observations that contributed to avalanche hazard assessment and personal avalanche risk management.

Program Cost: $1,100
Students are expected to have their own avalanche rescue and winter backcountry travel kits. The Following items will be provided.
- Pro 1 Course Manual and Workbook
- Snow Weather and Avalanche Guidelines
- Field book
- No dates in the White Mountains this season. Please check opportunities with our partner Silverton Avalanche School
If you have a group and would like to set-up a private custom program please contact us.