Owner and Head Guide

Jordan was born and raised in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. His love for the outdoors was immediate and permanent. It first manifested in summer days catching and chasing anything that could slither, crawl, or rustle the New England forest floor, and winters with skis strapped to his feet days after he could walk. Throughout his youth Jordan spent family vacations, summers, and weekends exploring the mountains, rivers, and lakes of the northeast where a strong wilderness sense and appreciation for wild places were infused into his DNA.
At 13 Jordan ventured into the vertical for the first time on New Hampshire’s classic granite climbing destination, Cathedral Ledge. Jordan was immediately enraptured by the unique experiences, places, and people climbing unlocked. Since that inaugural voyage up Cathedral’s sea of granite Jordan’s passion for the mountain environment has steadily increased alongside his desire to share access and respect for these places through guiding and education.
Jordan has explored the globe, guided on three continents, and put up first ascents and descents. You can see his broad smile on a short trail run to catch the sunrise behind his home in New Hampshire or at 20,000’ watching the mountain shadow stretch out on the plains below. He combines limitless excitement for mountain adventures, a lifetime of diverse wilderness experience, and industry leading hard skills through technical training from the American Mountain Guides Association and other respected institutions to provide safe, customized, and unforgettable mountain experiences.
Certifications and Qualifications
- AMGA Certified Alpine guide
- AMGA Assistant Rock Guide
- AMGA Assistant Ski Guide
- Wilderness First Responder
- AAA Pro 2 Avalanche Certification
- Leave No Trace Master Educator
- Mountain Rescue Service and Androscoggin Valley Search Rescue team member, New Hampshire
- B.S. Geology with Honors, Bates College

Selected Climbs
- Peak 11,300′ – V 5.8 M4, Ruth Gorge, AK Range, AK
- Valhalla – WI6 R M6, Goback Mountain, NH (seen less than 5 ascents with the mixed finish)
- Carotid Artery – WI6, Cody, WY
- Five Musketeers – III WI5+ M6 (seen less than 10 ascents), Lake Willoughby, VT
- Omega – IV WI5+, Cannon Cliff, NH
- Tiny Dancer – M8, WI5+, Lake Willoughby, VT
- Remission Direct – II WI5+ M5 R, Cathedral Ledge, NH
- Direct North Ridge (w/ Gendarme) of Mount Stuart – IV 5.9+, Stuart Range, WA (car-to-car In-a-day)
- VMC Direct Direct – IV 5.10+, Cannon Cliff, NH
- Epinephrine – IV 5.9, Black Velvet Canyon, Red Rocks, Las Vegas, NV
- Screaming Yellow Zonkers – 5.11c, Woodchuck Ledge, NH
- Two Shaved Heads – 5.12a/b, Shagg Crag, ME
- 25+ Summits – Mount Rainier, WA
- 50+ Winter Summits – Mount Washington, NH
Selected Skis
- Cascade Volcano ascents and ski descents – The thirteen tallest in the Range
- Notable routes; Mount Rainier – Fuhrer Finger and the Kautz Glacier, Middle Sister – Diller Headwall
- Ski mountaineering expedition to the Atomfjella Mountains of northern Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway
- Ski Touring Expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula
- Ski Touring expedition to the Troll Peninsula, Iceland
- Heli Skiing and Ski Touring in the Chugach Mountains and Alaska Range of AK
- Multiple ski mountaineering expeditions to Mount Katahdin, ME
- Mount Washington, NH
- Dodge’s Drop, The Duchess, Diagonal Gully, Central Gully, and many more